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* All used items purchased come with a 15 day Guarantee Warranty.  We want you to be happy

Oster Compact Countertop Oven with Air Fryer

Product Features:  Four Appliances In One  – Air Fryer, Convection Oven, Broiler and Toaster
Stainless Steel / Electric / Programmable / Temp range warm to 450 (Toast)
Function settings: Warm, Broil, Bake, Toast and Turbo (Air Fry)
Specifics:  120Vac / 60 hz / 1400 Watts
Product Dimensions: 15.6″D x 18.8″W x 11.8″H
Price (used item):$29.99 Plus Tax
* We have more pictures that can be provided if requested


Please fill out our contact us form if you’re interested in this item.


With 3 Brew Sizes / 48 oz Removable Reservoir / Black
Special Features:  Programmable, Removable Tank, Auto Clean Function
* more pictures and video can be provided, just Ask!
Price:  $32.99 plus tax

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Please fill out the following information if you want us to contact you about one of the units on this Special Promotions page. You can also call us directly at 972-516-4233. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you!

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